Company announcements

Announcement - Pilot Project with Wiener Linien

May 30, 2024
4 minutes
Ferenc Boroczky
Founder and CEO of anet360

I truly believe that when people come together with a shared purpose and work towards a common goal, incredible things happen - like real magic unfolding before our eyes. Today, I'm excited to share enchanting news with all of you! We're embarking on an exciting pilot project with the remarkable team at Wiener Linien.

Wiener Linien, those incredible magicians of transportation, have been taking Vienna further every day. Imagine, over 960 million passengers zooming around the city each year, and Wiener Linien making it their mission to get each and every one of them to their destination safe and sound. Now, here's where the magic gets even more fantastic. They believed in our vision, and we believed in theirs. Together, we're about to embark on a daring and exhilarating pilot project - a journey that will redefine how people experience public transportation in this beautiful city.

We're thrilled about this collaboration with Wiener Linien! It's not just about routine upgrades, but about pushing the boundaries with cutting-edge technologies, ingenious solutions, and a touch of imagination. Our shared passion for innovation drives us to improve transportation and enhance people's lives. This partnership with Wiener Linien marks a significant milestone for our humble, bootstrapped company

I believe that Linda, myself, and our team's unwavering determination, perseverance, and patience have been the driving force behind our achievements. We have faced challenges head-on, learned from failures, and celebrated victories together.

As we embark on this pilot project with Wiener Linien, we are fueled by passion - passion for innovation, passion for bettering the lives of people through improved transportation, and passion for creating a positive impact on Vienna's community.

This collaboration signifies more than just a partnership; it embodies a shared vision for a future where public transportation becomes an essential pillar of sustainable urban development. Together, we aim to redefine how people move around the city, promoting convenience, safety, and environmental consciousness. 

This venture with Wiener Linien is a powerful meeting of minds and souls, united on a mission to create a brighter future for Vienna. Our collective goal is to establish public transportation as a shining pillar of sustainable urban development, not just for now, but for generations to come.

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Ferenc Boroczky
Founder and CEO of anet360
With more than 15 years in design and technology focused on people, I've dedicated myself to growing a business that makes a real difference. I'm the Founder and CEO of Another Set of Eyes (anet), a company my wife and I built from scratch. We've come a long way without financial backing from investors, proving our resilience and innovation and developing a high-quality, yet user-friendly software solution. Our mission is to change how organizations gather and use important information, share insights, and train their teams.

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