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Advancing Industrial Training: The Open CPD Framework for Skilled Workforce Development

February 19, 2024
4 minutes
Marta Kalas
Guest writer

In the realm of industrial operations, the continuous training and upskilling of skilled workforce are pivotal for ensuring safety, operational efficiency, and competitive edge. While the integration of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points has traditionally been sidelined in this sector, the shifting dynamics of workforce development and the growing emphasis on recognisable skills demand a fresh perspective. The Open CPD platform emerges as an innovative solution, specifically designed to streamline the accreditation and certification of training programmes without imposing undue administrative burdens on already stretched departments.

Tailoring to the Industrial Sector’s Needs

Industrial enterprises engage in extensive training initiatives, aimed at enhancing the practical abilities essential for the daily and strategic tasks of their workforce. Historically, the formal acknowledgment of these educational efforts has been minimal, owing to the belief that CPD points are more applicable to professional or white-collar occupations. However, with the industrial landscape evolving and the demand for a skilled labour force on the rise, there is an increasing necessity to clearly delineate and recognise the objectives, capabilities, and outcomes of each training initiative.

The Open CPD Proposition: Simplicity, Adaptability, and Impact

The Open CPD platform is adeptly crafted to address these requirements, offering a simple and efficient approach for the accreditation of training programmes. Through self-accreditation, industrial entities gain autonomy over the certification process, ensuring that the training imparted is both recognised and valued, internally and within the wider employment market.

Advantages for Industrial Enterprises

  • Explicit Definition of Training Goals: By specifying the objectives, skills, and outcomes for every training programme, organisations can guarantee that their workforce receives targeted and meaningful learning experiences. This not only improves job performance and employee satisfaction but also aligns with the company’s strategic objectives.
  • Auditable and Verifiable Credentials: Leveraging Web3 technology, Open CPD provides a secure and transparent mechanism for credential issuance. These digital badges and certificates are tamper-evident and readily verifiable, offering a dependable record of workforce development endeavours.
  • Streamlined and User-friendly Process: Acknowledging the pressures on industrial training departments, Open CPD has refined the accreditation process to reduce administrative load. The platform is user-friendly, enabling the issuance of recognised certifications through a few straightforward steps, thus preserving operational efficiency.
  • Versatility with or without CPD Points: Open CPD recognises that although CPD points may not have been a traditional focus in the industrial sector, the structure for recognising training is immensely beneficial. Organisations can utilise our framework with or without CPD points, concentrating instead on the qualitative aspects of their training initiatives.

A Strategic Commitment to Workforce Enhancement

Adopting the Open CPD recognition and certification model signifies a strategic commitment to workforce enhancement. Formalising the skills and knowledge gained through training not only elevates employee morale but also fortifies the organisation's market position. Demonstrating the proficiency of their workforce is increasingly vital in a marketplace that prizes transparency and skill verification.


For industrial companies aiming to revitalise and add value to their training programmes, the Open CPD platform presents an attractive proposition. Embracing a model that emphasises clear objectives, auditable credentials, and an efficient process, these organisations can uplift the status of their skilled workforce training initiatives. In doing so, they not only recognise the significance of employee development but also position themselves as industry vanguards, equipped to tackle future challenges with a skilled and certified workforce.

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Marta Kalas
Guest writer
With over 25 years of experience in the healthcare and technology sectors, I am a passionate and driven entrepreneur who enjoys launching and growing innovative businesses that create value and impact. As the Founder and CEO of Open CPD, I am leading a team that is revolutionising accreditation for training and event providers, enabling them to streamline their processes, reach new audiences, and improve their quality standards. I serve on the boards of a some health-tech companies and projects, leading the digital transformation. These include an Expert Patient training service (, the Community Eye Alliance, a social enterprise that aims to improve eye health and Thomson Screening, the providers of the widely adopted SchoolScreener software.

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