Design better products

Why risk driver safety when they can appreciate the risks in the comfort of the classroom?

May 10, 2023
4 minutes
James Tillyer
Guest writer

As next or same-day delivery becomes increasingly popular, more pressure is put on drivers to deliver as many packages as possible, creating more risk and higher average speeds.

The UK has around 5.3 million vans operating on public roads, and their drivers are not subject to the same rigid legislation as HGV and PCV drivers. With this in mind, it’s important to ensure that adequate training is provided to those drivers to make them aware of road risk, so employers and those responsible for issuing the work must look for different options to meet different training requirements.

Van drivers currently have the opportunity to experience different situations through classroom training. For example, the popular Van Smart course offers part theory, part on-cycle training. However, these traditional on-bicycle methods have some significant drawbacks. It can be difficult to find and book qualified instructors, only a limited number of drivers can be trained, drivers can be distracted by the act of riding a bike rather than maintaining traffic awareness and there are certain health and safety issues that come into play. In recent times JAUPT / DVSA have also raised concerns about on-cycle training in poor weather. So, is there a solution to these issues?

Blended learning methodologies offer an excellent alternative to on-cycle training. By using a combination of technology, such as Virtual or Augmented Reality with traditional, classroom-based training methods, drivers can learn about the rules of the road, the importance of road safety, and best driving practices from the comfort of a classroom. This approach also allows drivers to experience and learn from real-life scenarios in a safe and controlled environment, providing an engaging and interactive learning experience.

anet360 - Virtual Reality Safe Urban Driving Training - FM Conway

Our solution is cost-effective, accessible, and safe, allowing drivers to learn at their own pace and in a way that suits them best.

The benefits of virtual and augmented reality training include:
  1. Improved safety: Virtual and augmented reality learning allows drivers to appreciate the risks associated with driving in a safe and controlled environment. It helps drivers to become more aware of the dangers on the road and how to react to different situations.
  2. Engaging and interactive: Our virtual and augmented reality courses provide a more engaging and interactive experience for drivers. They can ask questions, discuss scenarios with their peers, and receive feedback from their instructor, all while learning from real-life scenarios.
  3. Accessible: With the anet360 smartphone app-based solution, drivers can access training materials at any time, from anywhere. They can learn at their own pace and in a way that suits them best.
  4. Cost-effective: Our virtual and augmented reality courses eliminate the need for expensive on-bicycle training sessions, making it a more cost-effective solution for driver training.

In addition to these benefits, virtual and augmented reality driver training also provides a more consistent, standardised learning experience. With traditional on-bicycle training, the quality of instruction can vary depending on the instructor's experience and teaching style. However, with virtual and augmented reality courses, drivers receive the same high-quality training experience every time, ensuring they have the necessary knowledge and skills to work safely on the road.

Furthermore, virtual and augmented reality courses can also be customised to meet the specific needs of different drivers. For example, new licence holders can benefit from basic courses that cover the rules of the road and safe driving practices, while more experienced drivers can opt for advanced courses that focus on defensive driving and dealing with unexpected situations on the road.

Virtual and augmented reality driver training is an effective, efficient, and safe alternative to traditional on-bicycle training. It provides a more engaging and interactive learning experience, improves driver safety, and is accessible and cost-effective. By adopting this innovative approach to driver training, we can ensure that drivers are better equipped to handle the challenges of driving on the road and reduce the number of accidents caused by driver error.

At anet360 we offer a smartphone app-based virtual and augmented reality learning solution for driver training. Our ready-to-use virtual reality courses meet all requirements of more traditional on-cycle learning objectives, yet provide a classroom-based alternative without the road risk.

Don't wait until it's too late. Contact us today and join the growing number of companies who are adopting virtual and augmented reality driver training to improve driver safety, reduce accidents, and save lives on the road. Let's work together to make our roads safer for everyone.

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James Tillyer
Guest writer
James is an expert road transport consultant with experience in driver development projects in the United Kingdom and across Europe. As a key partner of anet360, he helps our team build engaging and interactive training products.

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